Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
KAKASI 2.3.5 released
KAKASI 2.3.5 had released. The previous release was over 10 yers ago. In 2006, I tried to release 2.3.5, but I hadn’t to complete relase jobs. However almost jobs were finished, so it was easy to release for me. But some bugs are discovered so I’ll release 2.3.6 in a few days.
The 1st Debian “mokumoku” meeting
I attended the 1st Debian “mokumoku” meeting. “mokumoku”(黙々) means “silently and concentrativeness” in Japan. There were about 6 people in a room. I tried to prepare release of Namazu and KAKASI.
The Internet Timeline in Japan
JPNIC published “The Internet Timeline” (Japanese version is also there). My first contact with the Internet was about 20 years ago. I was a Universal student. The University had 64kbps bandwidth, it was really slow. Nowerday, I have 128kbps mobile network with 950 yen/month. It is usable for some use case, like text messaging. Update […]
8th Kernel/VM Explorers
I attended The 8th Kernel/VM Explorers(Japanese) in 13 Apr. The event focuses on OS kernels and/or Virtual Machines architecture. I think seeing figure or graph will be interesting.
BPS in Tokyo
I had attend to Debian Bug Squashing Party in Tokyo at 24th Nov. 2012. The place was provided by Plat’Home Co., Ltd. The attendee was about 7 people, it’s not so many men. My big problem is unblocking file-mmagic package. I sent an unblocking request mail, but it has invalid From email address, so I […]
Debian Packaging dojo
I attended “Debian Packaging Dojo” at 22 Aug. “Dojo” (道場) means a training hall for karate, judo, and/or kendo in Japanese. The event is a training for Debian packaging. Attendants were about 15 people. I could learn modern packaging methods. The place is Rakuten Tower in Shinagawa, thank you Rakuten company and Taku YASUI <tach […]
FSIJ join to Software Freedom Day
We, FSIJ join to Software Freedom Day 2012. Japanese Wiki page had publishd by Nobuhiro Iwamatsu, a developer of Debian Project. I prepared to broadcast the event by 100% Free Software, I can get many suggestion by the last article comments, thank you. The following is my recipie: ffmpeg -s 320×240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -b 128k […]
How do I broadcast video streaming with Free Software?
I, as a member of FSIJ, consider to broadcast a Software Freedome Day in Japan. In the past, I can do it with gstreamer and icecast2 in The 5th International GPLv3 Conference. Howerver, gstreamer command is very complex and the Interface had changed, so I can’t re-do it by my old script. Usteram is easy […]
Unknown deliver machine in a hospital
Unknown machine video (mp4) It seems the machine delivering some medicine.
OpenBlocks A6 work with FreeBSD
Hiroki Sato, a member of FreeBSD core team, reported to work FreeBSD on OpenBlocks A6, a ARM based machine with Debian. Here is the boot message. And NetBSD also works.
Got any book recommendations?