Category: Development

  • The 1st Debian “mokumoku” meeting

    I attended the 1st Debian “mokumoku” meeting. “mokumoku”(黙々) means “silently and concentrativeness” in Japan. There were about 6 people in a room. I tried to prepare release of Namazu and KAKASI.

  • Debian Packaging dojo

    I attended “Debian Packaging Dojo” at 22 Aug. “Dojo” (道場) means a training hall for karate, judo, and/or kendo in Japanese. The event is a training for Debian packaging. Attendants were about 15 people. I could learn modern packaging methods. The place is Rakuten Tower in Shinagawa, thank you Rakuten company and Taku YASUI <tach […]

  • How do I broadcast video streaming with Free Software?

    I, as a member of FSIJ, consider to broadcast a Software Freedome Day in Japan. In the past, I can do it with gstreamer and icecast2 in The 5th International GPLv3 Conference. Howerver, gstreamer command is very complex and the Interface had changed, so I can’t re-do it by my old script. Usteram is easy […]

  • OpenBlocks A6 work with FreeBSD

    Hiroki Sato, a member of FreeBSD core team, reported to work FreeBSD on OpenBlocks A6, a ARM based machine with Debian. Here is the boot message. And NetBSD also works.

  • RetroBSD on PIC32

    Shozo TAKEOKA had described to work RetroBSD on PIC32 1chip micro computer in 14th JNUG BOF. The board is Chipkit MAX32 with SD card socket. He bought it 5,900 JPY. More detail is (Japanese). RetroBSD is based on 2.2 BSD (!), and work without MMU. So it can work only one process in their ram, other processes […]

  • Japan NetBSD Users Group annual meeting

    In July 7, I attended to Japan NetBSD Users Group (JNUG) 14th annual meeting and BoF. There ware many technical sessions, and key-signing party. So I can connect between Debian developers and NetBSD developers with the web of trust.

  • Some Debian events in Japan recently

    In June 23,  Grand Unification Debian seminar had held in Kyoto University. The participiants were about 70 people. And in July 21, The 90th Tokyo area Debian seminar had held in Ogikubo, Tokyo. It holds every month, so the participiants are not so many, but there ware about 15 people. There were good experience to me, especially […]