I, as a member of FSIJ, consider to broadcast a Software Freedome Day in Japan. In the past, I can do it with gstreamer and icecast2 in The 5th International GPLv3 Conference. Howerver, gstreamer command is very complex and the Interface had changed, so I can’t re-do it by my old script.
Usteram is easy to use, but it is not Free Software. I could find such packages in Debian repos:
I’ll try to use them and to find the good tool.
Update 2013/12/16
I had got a mail to use xiph’s vorbis encoder instead of ffmpeg internal vorbis encoder:
ffmpeg -s 320×240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -b 128k \ -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 -acodec libvorbis -vcodec libtheora -r 25 -f ogg -\ |oggfwd host.example 8000 passwd /test.ogv
The different is “-acodec libvorbis” option. Thank you for the information.
10 responses to “How do I broadcast video streaming with Free Software?”
did you take a look at http://www.flumotion.net ?
maybe this can be of use: http://grep.be/blog/en/life/fosdem/2012_video
we are using flumotion for all streaming needs here, including bigger events with multiple locations.
Try what we have been using in Debconf:
http://dvswitch.alioth.debian.org/wiki/ + icecast
vlc works as a streaming server, recently someone wrote some good articles about this on Planet Debian but I can’t find these now 🙁
Here are some good articles, there were some others (live video streaming for the ‘demoscene’ I think?) but I can’t find them!
I would check out dvswitch. It’s used to stream debconf.
Hey, apperently the debconf setting is “easy to use”, in case of problems join #debconf-video on oftc and ask for assistance, i am pretty sure the guys and girls there will be happy to help out
Thank you guys. I’ll check and try it.
Unfortunately, all tools of the my list are not fit to my aim.
DVswitch seems really cool and useful, but it can handle DV stream only.
I tried to use ffmpeg2theora, oggfwd and icecast2, and suceed to stream video only. However, there are no audio.
I need to invesigate more…
Finally, I can broadcast with ffmpeg, oggfwd and icecast2. The following is the command example:
ffmpeg -s 320×240 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -b 128k \
-f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 -acodec vorbis -vcodec libtheora -r 25 -f ogg -\
|oggfwd host.example 8000 passwd /test.ogv
I want to try to use DVstream. At reast, converting v4l to dv by ffmpeg, DVstream itself worked fine.