GAME-ON – the historical videogame exhibition

I attended  “GAME-ON” last weedkend at Miraikan, The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo.

There are many historical videogame hardware and software, and the bland-new PSVR exibition.

DEC PDP-1 DisplayI can see the real DEC PDP-1 hardware. Unfortunately it is only haredware, not worked. And also PONG is exibited.

SPACEWAR description
SPACEWAR description

There are many old hardware Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Spectrum, and so on.

Apple IIe Atari 2600/VCS Commodore 64 Spectrum

Almost exhibition with English description, and officials can talk English,  if you feel interested, go Miraikan until 30th May.



