Category: VideoGame

  • GAME-ON – the historical videogame exhibition

    I attended  “GAME-ON” last weedkend at Miraikan, The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo. There are many historical videogame hardware and software, and the bland-new PSVR exibition. I can see the real DEC PDP-1 hardware. Unfortunately it is only haredware, not worked. And also PONG is exibited. There are many old hardware […]

  • PIXELS (film)

    I watched “PIXELS” in a theater. It subjects about video games,  mostly retro 80’s arcade games. I love video games from childhood, my first game played would be Taito’s Space Invaders, I was the 4 or 5 yeas old time. It had bring me to the computer world. Fortunately I am working at Akihabara area, […]