Category: Misc

  • Virtual Background using webcam

    I made a webpage to produce virtual background with webcam. Sorcecode: Some online meeting software (Zoom, Microsoft Teams) supports virtual background, but I want to use other software like Jitsi (or google meet), so I made it. To make this, I referred the article “Open Source Virtual Background”.  The following figure is the […]

  • Cross Distibution Devloper Camp 2019 Fall

    I had attend to Cross Distribution Developer Camp 2019 Fall at Manazuru-machi, Kanagawa at 16th Nov. 2019. There was 8 developers from openSUSE, Ubuntu, LibreOffice and Debian. We had talked about some problem between such distributions, upstream software, especially Japanese (or CJK) specific things. The town is a fishing port so good sight, sashimi was tasty. I […]

  • Debian seminar in Yokohama, 2017/11/18

    I had attended to Tokyo area debian seminar #157. The day’s special guest is Chris Lamb, the Debian Project Leader in 2017. He had attended to Open Compliance Summit, so we invited him as our guest. The following pdf file is the day’s presentation: And Hideki Yamane(henrich) talked about a new idea of Debian distribution […]

  • uim package integraion is working in progress

    Now I am helping to maintain uim-package. It is splited into too many packages (over 40, including dbgsym). Working status is written as the debian wiki entry Currentry it is not finished, when I’ve done all of them, I’ll upload them to experimental.

  • 1Gbps FTTH

    This month, I changed FTTH Internet from 100Mbps to 1Gbps. The costs is almost same as the past line. To change the line, I had need to be witness in the construction, so I  couldn’t get time to attend DebConf 2015. According to, I can get about 300 Mbps upstream bandwidth.

  • New year 2015

    In Japan, winter holiday is a special for many people, they go back to their hometown, and take a time with family. Of cause, I do too. Last weekend I went back to Nagoya and now I still in there. Tomorrow I’ll go to Tokyo and work after this weekend. Many asian countries have same […]

  • Met with a debian developer from Germany

    Last weekend, I (knok), Hideki (henrich) and Yutaka (gniibe) met with John Paul Adrian Glaubitz (glaubitz). In the past, I had met with another Germany developer Jens Schmalzing (jensen) in Japan. He was a good guy, but unfortunately he gone in 2005. I had an old OpenPGP key with his sign. It is a record of his […]

  • 10th Kernel/VM Explorers

    I attend 10th Kernel/VM Explorers (Japanese page) in Sun May 25 at Jinbocho, Tokyo as a audience. The event awards “The Most Insane Presentation” to @kanorimon. Her presetation was “Implement PDP-11 interpriter”. The implementation is written by Java, and it works to build UNIX V6 itself, yes it is really insane. She may be 19th […]

  • KAKASI 2.3.5 released

    KAKASI 2.3.5 had released. The previous release was over 10 yers ago. In 2006, I tried to release 2.3.5, but I hadn’t to complete relase jobs. However almost jobs were finished, so it was easy to release for me. But some bugs are discovered so I’ll release 2.3.6 in a few days.

  • The Internet Timeline in Japan

    JPNIC published “The Internet Timeline” (Japanese version is also there). My first contact with the Internet was about 20 years ago. I was a Universal student. The University had 64kbps bandwidth, it was really slow. Nowerday, I have 128kbps mobile network with 950 yen/month. It is usable for some use case, like text messaging.   Update […]